Subj : To : Avon From : Al Date : Sun Apr 25 2021 02:20 am Hello Avon, Av> so something like... Av> ping_pong( $fromname, $fromaddr, $toname, $toaddr, $subject, Av> $text, $PVT, 100 ); Av> set PVT and access levels 100 or greater This is line 135 and 136 in ==== Begin: "1.txt" ==== $m_attr = 0 unless defined $m_attr; $m_level = 0 unless defined $m_level; ==== End: "1.txt" ==== I changed them to this.. $m_attr = $PVT unless defined $m_attr; $m_level = 100 unless defined $m_level; So now I get the PVT flag and a list of nodes with level 100. I think you can make the first line $PVT+K_S if you want K/S as well. I wasn't sure of the best way to do that but that is working as intended. It looks like I can define $m_attr; but I am not sure how to do that. Ttyl :-), Al --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707 * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (21:4/106) .