Subj : Re: PING To : Avon From : Al Date : Tue Apr 27 2021 01:16 am Re: Re: PING By: Avon to Al on Tue Apr 27 2021 08:08 pm Av> I'd like to fly the PING in the nodelist but not sure I should just yet :) You are supporting ping and trace now so I think you can go ahead and add the flag. I'm sure the %routeto command can be made to work once we know what the issue is a fix will follow. I just pinged your node and had a reply one minute later.. :) Ttyl :-), Al .... The chief cause of problems is solutions. --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (21:4/106.1) .