Subj : Hub 3 - IPv4 addressed changed :( To : deon From : Oli Date : Fri Apr 30 2021 07:42 am deon wrote (2021-04-30): d>>> Alterantively, for folks who cant use IPv6, you can try out d>>> ZeroTier Ol>> This still doesn't solve the problem for crashmail from anybody Ol>> (using IPV4). d> It wont? With ZeroTier I can give you IPv4 or IPv6 address, and it d> behaves like another (VLAN) ethernet interface (with on systems on the d> same ZeroTier ethernet LAN can see each other over normal IP). I mean the advantage of having a DNS record that point to the correct public IPv4 address over a VPN IPv4 is that everyone is able to send you crashmail without installing Zeronet. Ol>> What about an Onion Service address? It's also static ;) d> Is there a docker container I can run that provies incoming onion access, d> and I can forward that incoming IP connection to my fidohub container? I have not much experience with docker. There are a couple of containers, but I haven't tested any of them and cannot give a recommendation. I started to play with podman on my IPv6-only VPS, but then was discouraged when it turned out that most of the docker hubs / container repos where IPv4-only (and I already had working LXC containers). I've solved the IPv4 connectivity problem later, so maybe I will try again (running Tor in a docker container) and report back. Ol>> I also use a websocket proxy behind cloudflare to connect from IPv4 Ol>> to my IPv6-only server. Like: binkp|websocat -> wss://my-domain/ Ol>> (cloudflare) -> websocat|binkp d> I could run this I guess (if I understand it correctly) - but I'm not d> sure anybody would use it? Most likely nobody would use it :). Ol>> Even easier - you can just use a tor proxy: Ol>> ncat --proxy --proxy-type socks5 Ol>> 2401:d002:2d02:a03:f1d0:a:1:1 24554 d> Ahh, folks could do this without me implementing anything right? (If they d> run the TOR proxy). I imagine is this is more likely than the websocat d> method...? Yes, nothing needed on your side. The only problem with all these methods is that they rely on support for a socks5 proxy or execution of an external program instead of making a network connection. Works with binkd and qico, but not sure how easy or complicated it is to make this work with i.e. Mystic. But then Zeronet might be the easier option. --- * Origin: . (21:3/102) .