Subj : Hub 2 is back up ! To : Solaris From : Avon Date : Sat May 08 2021 11:41 am Hi Solaris, So> hub 2 is back up !, after fixing a failed BIOS controlled case fan . So> Sorry about the Down time . Thanks for sorting this so quickly and for the work you're doing to keep things all running in NET 2 - appreciated :) Cehck out my post in GEN about the mysterious ansi stuff. I think your orginal post to the MYS echo was fine and non ansi but when I used mystic to forward it I suspect those posts became ansi... I may be wrong but that's my working theory at the mo. Why it did that (assuming it did) I have no idea. Best, Paul. --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707 * Origin: Agency + Risa HUB - Dunedin, New Zealand (21:1/100) .