Subj : Re: Garden To : Avon From : deon Date : Sun May 30 2021 10:35 am Re: Re: Garden By: Avon to Deon on Sat May 29 2021 08:24 pm Av> Yep found one at 1202... Av> I wonder why? Av> I can hazard a guess... I know the HUB has been moved in recent days to a new system... perhaps JAM bases got muddled? But the Av> message at 2/100 looks fine Av> so something during the toss? Phew, then it's not me. Over the year or so, I see a random garbled message every now and again - but it was odd that there were many in such a short time. I would also have left over bad packets, either on my BBS or the hub - but its been a short while since I've seen one now that I think about it. Everytime I see one, the packet is from a mystic system. Lets call it feature? :) ....лоеп .... God is not dead. He is alive and autographing bibles today at Waterstones --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux * Origin: I'm playing with ANSI+videotex - wanna play too? (21:2/116) .