Subj : Is binkp/d's security model kaputt? To : tenser From : Oli Date : Fri Sep 03 2021 11:55 am tenser wrote (2021-09-03): t> On 02 Sep 2021 at 09:42a, Oli pondered and said... Ol>> IMHO binkd/binkp offers lots of pseudo security and several Ol>> security and usability pitfalls. Are there any good workarounds or Ol>> do we need a binkp/2.0? t> What you really need is an HTTPS-based transport. t> Part of the issue is that there is the protocol (which is superfluous) t> and the implementation(s), which vary widely in terms of quality and t> robustness. All of the points you raise with the protocol are obviated t> by using HTTPS instead: mutual authentication, secure transport, etc; t> also compression, parallelization, transfer resumption, checksumming, t> etc. I thought about that too and I'm still not sure if I like or dislike the idea. It would make programming a mailer a lot easier. It's not hard to extend the protocol and less likely that you break compatibility to older mailers. It's even thinkable that in a parallel timeline they developed an http-based FTN protocol in the 90s and binkd was never a thing. But it would be just another step to the complete HTTPification of the internet. Maybe just switch to the Internet Mail format ... t> A text-based serialization for article data using something like JSON t> would also be nice. ..... and something like JMAP ;P --- * Origin: . (21:3/102) .