Subj : Re: Is binkp/d's security model kaputt? To : apam From : deon Date : Wed Sep 22 2021 05:47 pm Re: Re: Is binkp/d's security model kaputt? By: apam to tenser on Wed Sep 22 2021 02:07 pm > Plus, I don't really know the best way to do the transmission, I was > thinking just using POST with a node number and password and having the > server respond with json messages in the response. So I'm probably going to go down this path - but I'll provide options. IE: if you specify a packet version, your HTTP post will give you a binary "bundle" of messages. If not, you get a json collection of mesages. That way, "old" systems can get packets that can be used by their old software, but something like wget could get their bundles. For "new" systems, it'll be a more way of getting mail. (In the back of my mind, I also want to optimise, compress, reduce what needs to be sent between the two systems, in case its not an internet connection between them.) I havent thought it through in detail, nor am I ready yet - got a few other things I'm tackling at the moment. But happy to throw up a test bed to see if it works... > I'm not sure if it's worth building, I mean, why not just go all the way > and rip out echomail from the bbs and just put in an NNTP client. Nah, part of the enjoyment its using the old stuff as it was used when we were ankle biters. ....лоеп --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux * Origin: I'm playing with ANSI+videotex - wanna play too? (21:2/116) .