Subj : Re: Rougue bot To : Apam From : Atreyu Date : Mon Nov 08 2021 10:36 pm On 09 Nov 21 13:05:14, Apam said the following to Atreyu: A> Yes, but what if Avon is away? Easy... its a silly hobby, not an enterprise-grade commercial network. The sun rises and sets no matter if he's busy listening to whatever Abba is limping to the barn with or obsessing about dinner with Gillian Anderson. A> Why didn't you just cut the feeds of Seen-By stripping nodes? Its a tad hard to cut the feeds of Seen-by stripping nodes when they are in-between the Paths of systems that have peered/meshed with others. Even if that system got its feed from here, what good is a feed cut when he's peered with 2 or 3 other systems? And one of them runs that crap Fastecho tosser where the Seen-by stripping is hardcoded? When you have something like FSX or most Othernets, its mickey-mouse simple to design a distribution topology to prevent almost all of these problems. A> I certainly don't think it's an asinine suggestion. I certainly do and I'm almost certain G00R00 feels the same, only he may be a bit more "nicer" than I am. Whats the saying... clean up your own backyard before commenting on your neighbours. If you don't want 8000 identical messages, then Avon as a ZC should personally make sure as many precautions are in place in his network to prevent this amongst the Sysops participating. Whats a Sysop with a Bot doing posting in FSX in the first place? Was it deliberate or an accident? Either scenario needs absolutely zero hand-holding or "improvement" from a developer. No peering/meshing, nobody stripping Seen-bys, no buggy tossers, no buggy Bot programs, no circular paths, no rescans/dumps... do all this and you would have a very clean running network with guaranteed "zero" problems with dupes. Atreyu --- Renegade vY2Ka2 * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (21:1/176) .