Subj : Re: Politics To : McDoob From : Gamgee Date : Fri Mar 18 2022 07:25 pm -=> McDoob wrote to Avon <=- Av> But if we could find a way to continue to agree to conduct ourselves in Av> a way that is civil if such an echo(s) were created I'd be open to Av> looking at it / giving it a try. Av> Av> I will x-post this to FSX_NET ... can you please reply to that echo as Av> this is essentially a network admin etc. topic so let's plonk that Av> chatter there. Av> Av> Best, Paul Mc> I have waited to give my opinion on this. I am fully aware of the Mc> amount of negativity that can arise when talking about these Mc> subjects, as I am somewhat active in the POLITICS echo over on Mc> Fidonet. And this is why I've decided that I agree with the Mc> popular opinion that you've heard from many others. This is a bad Mc> idea, Paul... I agree with this. Politics is a bad idea, even in it's own echo. Mc> The very least problem of endorsing these conversations would be Mc> a sharp increase in your moderator work load. A potential Mc> worst-case scenario would be having members abandon this 'net, Mc> the way it has happened on Fidonet. Mc> I think you should stick to what you're doing right now, with the Mc> Ukraine discussion: specifically allowing a certain amount of Mc> friendly conversation, but discouraging politics and religion as Mc> a general rule. Mc> Perhaps an echo for 'world events', as a place to discuss these Mc> things. But certainly *not* a politics echo! I don't think there is any actual difference between "world events" and "politics". Such an echo would be EXACTLY the same as having an echo for politics, and is equally as bad of an idea. .... If it weren't for Edison we'd be using computers by candlelight === MultiMail/Linux v0.52 --- SBBSecho 3.15-Linux * Origin: Palantir * * Pensacola, FL * (21:2/138) .