Subj : Re: To All ( PoliticsNet ) To : Solaris From : boraxman Date : Wed Mar 23 2022 10:58 pm So> I have an idea So> I have been kicking around the idea for creating a politics net . What So> if I make a new net about politics and test run to see how toxic it gets So> . ill host it here and we call it something like FSXnet Politics with So> new zone number or I could call something else like 404 or 1202 politics So> . or just politicsNet ... Im willing if anybody likes that idea . So> The issue is that discussion about politics can work. For example, a civilised discussion about Marxism, or the philosophical basis for Western Liberal Democracy. The reason things go toxic is because people aren't wanting to discuss political subjects, but want to PUSH their ideas. That want to push a political view, rather than talk about politics. It will be hard to keep these toxic people out, and I'll save you the trouble of creating another dead network, and tell you that with almost all certainty, it will turn rancid. Politics these days is rancid because people don't know how to discuss it. I would think instead of creating a net, we could just try an actual BBS dedicated to politics, that way if it does turn out a bad idea, its a simple matter of closing the BBS. This doesn't leave a 'defunct' network out there. --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/24 (Linux/64) * Origin: Agency BBS | Dunedin, New Zealand | (21:1/101) .