Subj : Hub Robot Report To : deon From : Hub Robot Date : Tue Sep 12 2023 06:00 pm 12 Sep 23 17:59:54 deon (21:2/116) wrote: ...............| -BEGIN MESSAGE- |.............. @TZUTC: 1000 @MSGID: 4464.fsx_tst@21:2/116 296561ea @PID: Synchronet 3.20a-Linux master/0cf8e4b18 Jun 27 2023 GCC 10.2.1 @TID: SBBSecho 3.20-Linux master/0cf8e4b18 Jun 27 2023 GCC 10.2.1 @COLS: 80 @BBSID: ALTERANT @CHRS: CP437 2 @NOTE: FSEditor.js v1.105 I've just updated clrghouz to only respond to test messages in this echo - lets see if it works :) ....лоеп -+- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux + Origin: I'm playing with ANSI+videotex - wanna play too? (21:2/116) SEEN+BY: 2/100 3/100 2744 2/116 @PATH: 2/116 ...............| -END MESSAGE- |.............. (The original tear line has been replaced with -+-, and the original asterisk used in the Origin line ' * Origin' has been replaced with plus (+).) --- Hub Robot: HPT-perl hook * Origin: Alterant MailHUB at your service (21:3/100) .