Subj : Test Reply To : apam From : deon Date : Sun Dec 24 2023 09:33 am Re: Test Reply By: apam to deon on Sun Dec 24 2023 07:25 am Howdy, > You should probably translate the block drawing characters in the clearing > houz header to utf-8 if you're replying to a utf-8 messages (and reusing a > utf-8 kludge) > > I don't know if php has it, but i just use iconv with CP437 -> UTF-8 I did think about doing that (php has utf8_encode() - although that converts from LATIN-1), but I was concerned how it would appear to CP437 users... Another approach I was thinking of is parsing the original message and see if it is really UTF-8 (which in this case I dont think it was), and then respond with CP437 in the kludge... (That said, I've just discovered that utf8_encode() is deprecated, and I would need to use the mb_* functions. And there is mb_detect_encoding() - I can play with that and see what it guesses...) ....лоеп --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux * Origin: I'm playing with ANSI+videotex - wanna play too? (21:2/116) .