Subj : Hello, and wow To : All From : Grymmjack Date : Fri Mar 15 2019 04:50 pm Hi there. I'm really really impressed with all of this font and XBIN stuff. Did I read it right that there is actually iCE Color support too? OMG, I think I've finally died and gone to text-dork heaven. I need to check the PETSCii version. Digital Man/Deus: you guys rule, this is so cool. How do you change the font? Like I see many different fonts. Is there a HOWTO or readme or something? :) Also the avatars are freaking cute! I love your animal collection DigitalMan. Some really good stuff. The R2D2 close up in the star wars collection was really awesome for a second I thought it was freaking pixel art! Question about the fonts - how does one make them? Really glad I decided to check in. Holy moly! 1 love gj .