Subj : Wifi232 on a retro PC To : Digital Man From : Karu Date : Sun Feb 14 2021 10:42 pm Re: Wifi232 on a retro PC By: Digital Man to Karu on Sat Feb 13 2021 10:19 pm > Maybe try removing the ":23" portion? No such luck. I was able to see what Qmodem thinks it was doing, and while th :23 is optional, what's actually getting dialed when I call for "" is something like "vrt.syncr.nt:23" > Maybe yours has a similar feature? I was able to abuse the speed dial system like you suggested. This partiuclar modem doesn't have the arbitrary phone number thing, but it does have 10 speed dial slots, so that'll work in the meantime. I had a peek at the source code for this one ( and it looks pretty straightforward.. I might just hack on it and add this ability :) And with that, we've got the perfect 90s BBSing machine! Only thing to figure out is why all the terminal apps seem to think I'm "offline" even after successfully calling out. It's probably something silly like DSR/DTR not being configured or asserted. Either way, ty for the pointer. Glad to see the man behind Sync is still aroun :) .