Subj : Wifi232 on a retro PC To : KARU From : Marceline Jones Date : Sat Feb 20 2021 08:08 pm Ka> Something I've encountered is that a number of DOS terminal apps (so Ka> far, ProComm Plus, Telix, QModemPro show this) attempt to be too smart Ka> by half when it comes to "dialing" and not let you send arbitrary Ka> characters as "numbers" to dial. What version of Telix are you using ? because Telix 3.51 can dial "" from the phone book. Terminate 5.00 also works. However both Telix and Terminate have a phone number character limit in the phone book entry (25 characters) (so you will not be able to put something like "" in their phone books). ___ Blue Wave/386 v2.30 .