Subj : Re: Fairly recent newbie here To : Vicgchad07 From : anthk Date : Mon Nov 13 2023 01:16 am On 2023-09-22, Vicgchad07 wrote: > > Howdy, folks. > > So, I'd bought a WiRSA modem kit off of eBay about a month ago and used all my remaining solder in my workshop to piece it together. > So far, the WiFi to serial connection does what it should with little to no issues (the firmware updates are hit-or-miss as far as downloading is concerned). > > Anyway, I'm 32 years old and an avid user of Windows versions prior to Windows 10. When I'm not fixing up arcade machines at the local Chuck E. Cheese's where I work, I tinker with older technology (and use it unironically afterward to cheese off my coworkers :P ). > One example is right here: this IBM PC 300XL I'm restoring and using to connect to Synchronet. > I did have to resort to a CompactFlash to IDE adapter as I made the grand mistake of buying a pre-owned hard disk rather than refurbished...and thus had nothing to access BBSes with for a good two weeks. > > My goal this year is to make identical retro builds for my mom, my sister, and my brother for their birthdays or Christmas. > > Anyway, gotta catch up on laundry before heading to bed for a grueling work day. Toodles. :D 36yo here. Not an ultimately BBS user, as I am posting thru the Usenet gateway to the Dove/FIDO networks, but as with Usenet, you can always find interesting technical conversations out there. I don't use Win9x any more since a few decades, but you can fetch retrozilla from here: and visit lots of modern sites among Gopher holes (I suggest you gopher://, gopher:// and gopher:// as starting points). People call me retro or outdated, but I can fetch news and resources with 1/50 of the bandwidth. And, even better, RSS's, Usenet posts and BBS' threads can be stored offline and be read anywhere. On arcades, once I've got MAME since early OO's I didn't spend money or resouces on that as most games ran fine on a simple Athlon XP. Nowadays MAME requieres a Core Duo to properly emulate the games, but there's always AdvanceMAME/AdvanceMESS. .