Subj : Hi everyone! To : All From : Stationkeeper Date : Wed Mar 13 2024 09:43 am Hey folks. I'm a "new return" to BBSing. I ran a small, 2 line BBS that used RemoteAccess .04a back in the early 90s, but then life happened and I was unable to keep it going. Fast forward and I was checking out the state of the Scene these days and was amazed that not only are BBSes still being used but that the number of hosts and users is growing! With that in mind I want to learn all I can about BBSes and running the software. Needless to say I found the best option would be a Synchronet, running GameSrv to run some doors. Once I've got that figured I'll move into echo mail and more complex functions. I'll start with testing a local version and once I figure it out move it to a windows VPS. I'm retired and living in Northern British Columbia, Canada. I'm also running an internet radio station called Signal Thirteen, and a Mastodon instance, both from off site VPS's. I look forward to getting to know folks here, and hope not to ask too many silly questions :) Chris .