Subj : SEXPOTS - Pulling my hair out... :) To : Digital Man From : cafarmer Date : Fri Jun 07 2024 05:55 am Okay, I'm going to try and explain this in order. But honestly, I have done so much searching and what seems like a zillion tests. I really, really want to get this working. So, I have several BBS systems set up and they all terminate with TELNET at various ports. WildCat! supports TELNET natively, so I am all set there with up to 16 simultaneous connections. I also have Image BBS set up with a user port connection set to IP232 connection to TCPSER running as a windows service. Now, these two BBS servers run on emulated systems (Vice and VMWare Workstation) - but just remember: they are both accessible via TELNET and I can connect to them from my MacBook Pro with SyncTerm - no problem. Here is the fun part: I have several vintage computers that I want to be able to connect to them as well... so, SEXPOTS! I have a Panasonic EZ-Phone system with 8 lines. Right now, my Amiga 1000 and Apple Iic are sharing the same line and I have one modem connected to the Windows 7 machine hosting the VMs (I wish I could provide a drawing - just have to create one first. I can get all this to work - but not consistently. Sometimes when I start SEXPOTS, the Modem Responses are the last set of characters in the INIT string and it seems to just fall through and connect to the TELNET endpoint without even waiting for a call. It also seems that when I get it to work for one scenario (say, the Amiga), the other computer dials in and it doesn't detect a pickup... it also seems to change what happens when I set the windows device baud rate up or down... trying to match the modems, etc. It also seems to affect success or failure trying different INIT strings. It just does not seem to be consistent in anything I do... sometimes, I think I nailed it. Then it has a problem re-initializing the modem after a successful connection. So I know this is a lot and requires more precise detail to troubleshoot, but I was hoping to just shake the tree a bit and see if anyone else struggled with this. My Windows 7 machine has a USB Serial 4 port on it and connected to those four ports are 2 Hayes Smartmodem Optima 288s and two Hayes Smartmodem 1200s. One important fact - when I pass a serial port to the VM running Wildcat! and set up Wildcat! with a modem as one of the nodes... everything works perfectly and consistently. Modem initializes, waits and I can connect just fine with My Amiga with the Modem 1200 RS and with the Apple Modem 1200. It seems like Wildcat! is doing something different right in handling the modems? Thanks for reading and I will take any hints... any. -Christopher .