Subj : SEXPOTS - Pulling my hair out... :) To : Digital Man From : cafarmer Date : Sun Jun 09 2024 08:06 am My apologies on where I posted this. I click on the "go here" link and just started poking around not realizing you probably dropped me right where I needed to ask my question. We can move this if it makes more sense. I will try to answer the responses in order asked: 1. As far as I can tell, this is the latest version of SEXPOTS taken from the latest install v1.32-Win32 2. The first two string I tried was the default one, AT&F and then ATZ. Neither would allow the modem to wait... it immediately detected carrier and tried to connect to the TCP host without an actual incoming call. 3. For the Hayes Smartmodem 1200, I cannot get it to communicate (DTE) to the modem with anything higher than 1200 baud via Hyperterminal on Windows 7. (for now, I am focusing this issue with the HSM 1200, I will take what I learn and try to apply it to the HSM Optima 288 later. It may be that the HSM 1200 didn't support a DTE speed higher than the analog side of the connection (I can't remember what to call modem-modem connectivity - DCE?)? 4. DTR? Not sure, I will have to look into that and how it might be affecting the connection. 5. I have tried so many HSM 1200 init strings proposed out there. None of them were a "silver bullet". (again, just focusing on the 1200 for now). 6. No, neither of these modems seem to support Caller ID, but I couldn't figure out a way to bypass the attempt to set it. A lot of this stuff is not new to me - I used to configure modem banks for a financial institution back in the early 90's (91-93). But it was a long time ago and yes, sometime I struggled with some of the newer Microcom modems - but really it was just me trying to squeeze every last drop of speed vs. performance I could get for the originators out in the field. Thank you very much for your responses as I work through this thing. I see your Steven Wright and raise you a Jack Handy: "If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "probably because of something you did." .