Subj : taglines To : Micheal Pierce From : Kai Richter Date : Fri Apr 24 2020 08:59 am Hello Micheal! 23 Apr 20, Micheal Pierce wrote to Kai Richter: KR>> There is. Stop wasting your time of selecting taglines and KR>> disable them. Nobody read them anyway. Just add to your config: KR>> TAGLINESUPPORT no MP> gee, nice attitude there !!!! Yeah, i like the KISS principle, keep it short and simple. ;-) MP> taglines are a *feature* some people like them, and a few don't. all MP> I am saying is that there should be a way to randomly choose one more MP> than the first MP> time...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you want to choose then it is not randomly. You're asking for a dark light. You want to choose because you don't like the tagline, don't you? If you don't like a tagline then remove it from your tagline config then there is no need to select another. Easy, isn't it? To work around you could use the file import function. Press ALT-i with default config in the editor. Select "File as Text" and choose your tagline file. Delete the unwanted taglines. Or to go back to the KISS principle, what about RTFM? Taglines are usually one-liner jokes or wisdom or whatever. They serve absolutely no technical function and are considered by some to be waste of diskspace and modem time. In some conferences, they may even be forbidden by the moderator, so if you want to use this feature, check the conference rules first! The tagline support in GoldED is currently not very advanced. You can > define some global taglines and manually select them from a menu, like you can with origins. According to my reference docs it should be CTRL-I. (Doesn't work here i think because taglinesupport no.) If the system works like the origin system then you could have some kind of sub-menus in the selection window. I have some single ORIGIN lines in the config and then a reference mark to a different file: ORIGIN " Monobox " ORIGIN "You did it!" ORIGIN "Seven holy path to hell" ORIGIN "Ride the sky!" ORIGIN @/golded/origin/origins.full.txt That shows up as: .............. Origins ............ .. Monobox . .. You did it! . .. Seven holy path to hell . .. Ride the sky! . .. [origins.full.txt] . ................................... where [origins.full.txt] can be selected and reveals the full list. Within the random system you could use the full list as a reference. If the tagline system does work the same way then you could create some kind of quick access list to your favorite selections. Regards Kai --- GoldED+/LNX * Origin: Cheap, Fast, Reliable - pick any two. (2:240/77) .