Subj : Fine Tuning To : Rick Smith From : Michael Dukelsky Date : Thu Apr 30 2020 03:54 pm Hello Rick, Wednesday April 29 2020, Rick Smith wrote to All: RS> This is a problem or anything broken, just perhaps a fine tuning RS> Golded question. Currently messages show unsent until I close golded RS> and go back in. It appears that Golded doesnt send (or place to be RS> sent) messages until you quit golded. This is fine and it isnt RS> causing any issues, I just wonder if there is a way for that to happen RS> upon saving the message? Golded allows configuring hot keys for running different programs or scripts. I use Ctrl-N to send netmail and Ctrl-E to send echomail without leaving golded. There are such lines in my golded.cfg: ; repack netmail on Ctrl-N ExternUtil 1 /path/to/setflag repack ; rescan echomail on Ctrl-E ExternUtil 2 /path/to/setflag rescan The setflag script creates a flag file, which initiates packing netmail or scanning message base for new echomail. And in goldkeys.cfg I have ^N ExternUtil01 ^E ExternUtil02 Michael .... node (at) f1042 (dot) ru --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20170303 * Origin: Moscow, Russia (2:5020/1042) .