Subj : synchronet (sbbs) To : Angel Ripoll From : Micheal Pierce Date : Sat May 16 2020 07:43 pm MP>> is there a patch or update for golded to be able to reliably read MP>> synchronet's message base?? AR> Yes. AR> Areafile Synchronet /sbbs/ AR> Un saludo, AR> Angel Ripoll AR> aripoll(at) that part of *seeing* the message base works, what does not work is *reading* the *headers*, (ie press enter on an area, then press l, you'll see some headers, then blank spaces, then more headers) that's why I was asking Micheal .... Flannister - The plastic yoke that holds a six-pack toget --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707 * Origin: Mike's Mansion - Portland, OR - (1:340/201) .