Subj : Spell Check To : Vladimir Fyodorov From : Rick Smith Date : Wed May 27 2020 07:06 pm Greetings Vladimir! Wednesday May 27 2020 09:28, you wrote to me about an urgent matter!: VF> Hello, Rick! VF> MySpell? Thank you, I remember it only being a couple of files, maybe thats not the one I was thinking about? here is what I had in my golded.cfg IF SPELL ; disable SCheckerEnabled Auto ; check while typing SCheckerDefLang en_US SCheckerDicPath /usr/share/goldedplus/spell/ Regards, ---- Rick Smith (Nitro) .... Help save BBSing - Ask your host for INTBBS_WK today! --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5--b20170303 * Origin: ----> Abacus Sysop Point --->>>> (1:340/202.1) .