Subj : bold italic underline - how? To : Kai Richter From : August Abolins Date : Wed Oct 21 2020 02:25 pm Hi Kai! 21 Oct 20 13:11, you wrote to Martin Foster: MF>> The change(s) is/are required to be made to your personal copy of MF>> *golded.cfg*, which we(Points) neither have read nor write access MF>> to, that's why I said that only Thomas can make the changes. KR> What kind of setup is that? Do you have a shell login and use golded KR> on a remote machine? Veleno offers point access via what appears to be Windows RDP. --- GoldED+/W32-MINGW 1.1.5-b20180707 * Origin: ----> Point Of VeleNo BBs ( (2:333/808.7) .