Subj : Is this thing on? To : Wilfred van Velzen From : Richard Menedetter Date : Fri Feb 19 2021 08:16 am Hi Wilfred! 18 Feb 2021 13:46, from Wilfred van Velzen -> Richard Menedetter: RM>> I tried to reach you via netmail, but it seems you are not in the RM>> nodelist (yet?). WV> He's in there since the 1st of februari!? I got back a message from a netmail tracker for a routed mail I sent. Obviously somebody used an older nodelist ;) I will resend with crash. CU, Ricsi .... Those driving slower than you are idiots, those passing you are maniacs. --- GoldED+/LNX * Origin: A thermonuclear war can ruin your whole day. (2:310/31) .