Subj : Ansi Displays To : Richard Vonzel From : Alan Ianson Date : Fri Mar 05 2021 05:37 pm Re: Ansi Displays By: Richard Vonzel to All on Fri Mar 05 2021 07:08 am RV> Alot of BBS post there ads with a ansi display, but Golded doesn't diplay RV> that. It just displays the code. Is there a way to have Golded display RV> these ansi codes correctly? Short answer: Golded doesn't support ansi, A or pipe codes. Golded was designed to read and reply to text messages only. Ttyl :-), Al .... Did you really expect mere proof to sway my opinion? --- SBBSecho 3.13-Linux * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757.2) .