Subj : Create message bases To : Alan Ianson From : Michael Dukelsky Date : Sat Apr 17 2021 10:11 pm Hello Alan, Saturday April 17 2021, Alan Ianson wrote to andrew clarke: AI> I haven't looked at pktview in a long time but I can't seem to get it AI> to read a packet currently. How does one use pktview? # This script reads PKT from stdin and prints it's contents in human-readabe form into stdout # options: # -v verbose # -s print SEEN-BY, PATH and PTH kludges # -r print RFC-* kludges # -p print PID and TID kludges # -h print usage information pktview -vsrp < 6034b1c0.pkt Michael .... node (at) f1042 (dot) ru --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707 * Origin: Moscow, Russia (2:5020/1042) .