Subj : Nodelist browser To : All From : Rick Smith Date : Sun May 09 2021 11:19 am Greetings All! So my new install of golded started complaining of nodelist out of date so I retrieved new nodelists and compiled using goldnode. I have noticed while doing all this that shift f10 no longer brings up nodelist browser but rather address book. f10 on its own also brings up addressbook. if I hit enter while on the to: field it does bring up nodelist. Is there something I must have messed up? I am using the exact configs that I used before the new install and same version of golded. ---- Regards, Rick Smith (Nitro) .... No honey, I'm not BBSing again - I'm writing a letter to my mother. --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707 * Origin: ----> Abacus Sysop Point --->>>> (1:105/10.1) .