Subj : GoldEd+ v1.1.5 - not working on Mac To : Karel Kral From : Fermin Sanchez Date : Wed May 12 2021 12:04 pm Hello Karel! 11 May 21 23:53, you wrote to me: FS>> central part of my workflow, unfortunatly not available on FS>> Outlook on Mac). But Word/Excel/PowerPoint/OneNote are more or FS>> less identical to their Windows based counterparts. KK> I know nothing about MAC's - I just have to cooperate with these KK> people. And it was not so easy until Teams. (all these Skype KK> FB/Federation issues, not sure why Webex was not so working, etc. And KK> of course they refused for some reasons BlueJeans, Zoom and other KK> platforms...) I regularily log into WebEx meetings on my Mac, but that has only been the case for the last 7 months or so. Quite possible that Cisco did some tweaking on their Mac client? And we used to have Skype for Business at work, until I was finally able (as in "allowed") to migrate us to Teams. No issues since then, but the SfB client had some stupid limitations on the Mac. I guess "feature parity" for Mac OS on SfB isn't high on Microsoft's priority list, since SfB is more or less a dead platform/product. KK> I mean, I do not like Microsoft OS so much as well. But is a business KK> and sometimes I have to do something for living (daily ;-) Yup, same here. I used to say "I was young and needed the money". The second part still applies, the first... But at least I can do my work from a Mac, which helps with some of the pain. :-) KK> And honestly these Teams really connected "us". MS Teams is indeed great, feature parity across at leaast Windows and Mac (with some features on Mac maybe 2-3 weeks behind at most, which in most cases isn't a big issue), and not too bad mobile apps, either. There's even a version running natively on Linux (Ubuntu recommended, I think?), not sure how up-to-date that one is compared to the Win and Mac editions. And there's always the Web client, which honestly isn't that far behind, either. I take it MS would prefer people to connect to their services using Windows, but the main point is that people connect to their services and have a cloud subscription. "Cloud first, mobile first" I believe is their mission statement. Seems to be working just fine for them. Regards Fermin .... Copy, S*W*I*P*E, Assimilate ... Do Not Emulate!: The *Tagline Court* --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707 * Origin: 2:301/123 (2:301/123) .