Subj : XLAT To : Karel Kral From : Michiel van der Vlist Date : Sun Jan 09 2022 01:40 pm Hello Karel, On Sunday January 09 2022 09:43, you wrote to All: KK> Is there any easy way how to have more configurations depens on KK> conference? For example: in worldwide echo GOLDED to use different KK> CHRS kludge than in GOLDED.42 (national one)? Simply call it with a different config file as first parameter. gedwin -goldrus.cfg. But I use groups to do this: GROUP Dutch member bnl.algemeen member HOLLAND.SYSOP member points.028 TEMPLATE DUTCH.TPL TAGLINESUPPORT yes TAGLINE @dutch.tag xlatexport CP850 ENDGROUP GROUP LATIN member LOCALTEST member FTSC_PUBLIC member fidonews member NETMAIL001 xlatexport LATIN-1 ENDGROUP GROUP UTF8 xlatimport utf-8 member UTF-8 member TEST.5555 FTSC GOLDED dispsoftcr no xlatexport UTF-8 origin Deputy Nodelist Police ENDGROUP Hope this helps. Cheers, Michiel --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303 * Origin: (2:280/5555) .