Subj : Changes in golded+ sources To : Vitaliy Aksyonov From : Nicholas Boel Date : Tue Nov 07 2023 04:31 pm Hello Vitaliy, On Monday November 06 2023 18:21, you wrote to me: VA> Git is somewhat complex, but once you got the idea - you may do a lot VA> of cool things which other code versioning systems cant. Like reorder VA> commits, move one branch on top of another, etc. I probably won't ever be reordering or anything super technical, but I googled the easiest way, and 'checkout' seemed to do the trick. Then I just went back to the master branch using the same option. VA> If you need some help with that - I'll be glad to do it. It's just not VA> right echo area for those questions. You may shoot me netmail too. I may have to take you up on that offer some day. Thank you! ;) VA> You may convert any charset to UTF-8 actually. And it would be really VA> cool to have UTF-8 support in GoldEd. I'm still learning the code. VA> Will try to improve things in that area. So here's a question or two for you. As of right now I'm using: xlatimport cp437 (because most incoming messages missing a CHRS kludge falls under this) xlatexport utf-8 (because that's what I can write with) xlatlocalset utf-8 (because this is my local setup, 'locale' gives en_US.UTF-8 for everything) Basically I'm forcing the use of utf-8 when exporting messages, but we have already witnessed that that doesn't work when you write to me using CP866 and I reply back to you. 1) Is there a way for me to reply to you with the same charset (or closest translation) that you're using automatically? Or would I have to change my config file every time I reply to a different CHRS kludge? 2) Is this where iconv support would be beneficial, when an incoming message has a CP866 kludge, iconv would translate it to UTF-8 on my end so that it is readable and writable, and then translate it back to CP866 when the reply is sent? Or would it still stay UTF-8 because I'm forcing it on export? VA>>> I see. And you use that fake conversion table from/to UTF-8, VA>>> right? If you do - my next small fix will help you for sure. We can consider this message my first test using the latest commit. ;) Hope it works! Regards, Nick .... "Take my advice, I don't use it anyway." --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20231106 * Origin: thePharcyde_ distribution system (Wisconsin) (1:154/10) .