Subj : Latest sources.. To : All From : Nicholas Boel Date : Wed Feb 14 2024 06:11 pm Hello All, The latest commits that were removed (more than likely the one that had to do with ncurses) has caused me some issues with my current config. I have a few screenshots for comparisons.. First, a screenshot of the same message in question viewed in Thunderbird using Smapinntpd. This is how the message was intended to look: Second, a screenshot of the same message viewed in Golded either screen and/or tmux (I don't remember which one exactly, because the issue(s) caused me to try out a couple different terminal multiplexors to make sure it wasn't specific to any of those - which it wasn't). This was Golded BEFORE the removal of the commits. As you can see, line drawing characters are indeed present; but some of them wrap wrong, etc: Third, a screenshot of Golded AFTER the removal of the commits. Mind you, this isn't the exact same message in the two screenshots above, but they all display the same as this one - I just took the screenshot on a different day: For all three instances, I'm using: include [pathTo]/golded-plus/cfgs/config/charsets.cfg xlatimport cp437 xlatexport utf-8 xlatlocalset utf-8 charsets.cfg is included with Golded sources (if one was wondering and didn't already know), utilizing all translation tables available. I'm not sure what has changed or what I can do to make it better. Any suggestions? Thank you in advance! Regards, Nick .... "Take my advice, I don't use it anyway." --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:115.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderb * Origin: _thePharcyde distribution system (Wisconsin) (1:154/10) .