Subj : Re: Latest sources.. To : Nicholas Boel From : Vitaliy Aksyonov Date : Wed Feb 14 2024 11:09 pm Hello Nicholas. 14 Feb 24 23:34, you wrote to me: VA>> First of all - thanks for feedback. That change I made shouldn't VA>> be a reason of this behavior. Let's try to find what may be VA>> wrong. NB> Ok. Then with that said, I also realized I seem to have an enormous NB> amount of warnings while compiling. Maybe because of a recent gcc NB> update? Or are all these warnings normal? Those warnings are "normal". In terms like they better be fixed, by they are expected especially in new compiler. They mostly safe and you may ignore them. NB> $ gcc --version NB> gcc (GCC) 13.2.1 20230801 NB> .. and the actual package is gcc-13.2.1-5 from Archlinux. I use gcc 10 and tried others. That shall not be an issue. I had some issues in older compilers. Especially for Windows or OS/2. Those mostly were created way before any standardization. Do you use following parameters when build it: USE_NCURSES WIDE_NCURSES BUGGY_NCURSES And which ncurses library version do you have? VA>> Have you tried to run it in terminal without screen multiplexors? VA>> I had an issue with screen on my system, don't remember if I VA>> tried tmux with golded. NB> Yes I have. It's the same, if not worse. While using golded in a utf-8 NB> linux console (no X), accessed via PuTTY (also setup for utf-8) over NB> ssh, and not using a multiplexor, all of the line drawing characters NB> on the main loading screen, the area list, and while reading messages NB> are replaced by the letter "q". The multiplexor (in my current case, NB> tmux) fixes that and displays the screens correctly. That is interesting. It shall work totally fine without screen multiplexor. In my case I use Putty to connect to remote computer via SSH. I have koi8-r locale and configured Putty to use it too. I never had issues with pseudo-graphics. Would be interesting to understand how screen or tmux makes a difference. BTW, what do you have for $TERM env variable? NB> I have too many things in play here to narrow it down, it seems. I NB> just asked because I hadn't changed anything in quite some time and NB> how things were displayed has changed since the latest NB> update/rollback. My last commit rollback some change I made previously because it was found to be buggy in some cases. So it could be some other change actually. If you familiar with git, would be nice if you hunt down which commit makes things worse in your setup. You may use git bisect for that. VA>> Golded doesn't work well with multibyte encodings like UTF-8. VA>> Last screenshot looks like text recoding issue to me. Is there VA>> anything in golded.log? NB> No. golded.log has been 0 bytes for quite some time now. Is that NB> normal? It is very good actually. Golded writes errors in that file and if it empty - it's a good sign. NB> Golded has had it's issues with utf-8, but it was far better than it NB> is now. At least the lines and graphs were drawn at one point, even NB> though sometimes not in the correct location or some were moved to the NB> next line. Moved to next line is OK. It's just for messages, which has lines longer than your terminal width. VA>> Have you tried to use one byte local charset? Like cp437. NB> Yes, but since nothing here locally is actually setup for cp437 unless NB> I use some other 3rd party program or reconfigure PuTTY, it doesn't NB> display right either. To use cp437 you need to change Putty config for sure. And I'd recommend you to use one byte locale for golded if you don't need many different encodings. That will solve many issues for you right away. VA>> What OS do you have? Do you build golded yourself? Do you use VA>> cmake or make? NB> Archlinux 64bit. Yes I build golded myself, with make. I will keep NB> messing with my settings and see if I can come up with anything NB> better. I just figured I'd ask here as maybe someone else has NB> experienced something similar. Some people do experience issues like you. And would be really great to find and fix root cause. Could you also try to remove file goldxlat.gel? Golded will generate it on start. Vitaliy --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20231030 * Origin: Aurora, Colorado (1:104/117) .