Subj : Re: Latest sources.. To : Nicholas Boel From : Vitaliy Aksyonov Date : Thu Feb 15 2024 05:54 pm Привет, Nicholas! 15 Feb 24 13:16, ты писал(а) мне: [...skipped...] VA>> Would be interesting to understand how screen or tmux makes a VA>> difference. NB> It wasn't much, it just displayed the above mentioned things correctly NB> without any additional PuTTY settings. VA>> BTW, what do you have for $TERM env variable? NB> TERM="xterm" You may also try "putty". [...skipped...] VA>> Moved to next line is OK. It's just for messages, which has lines VA>> longer than your terminal width. NB> Is there a way to change the line length in Golded? If it is set for NB> something like 78 by default, maybe changing it to 79 would help as it NB> could be one extra character that's causing it to wrap to the next NB> line. Although, I don't know how replies and quotes coming from here NB> would look on others' systems then.. I'd rather break things on my NB> end, not others. :) Just make your terminal wider and then start golded. It will use whole window width unless you use "Dispmargin" parameter in your config. As for quotes, they will be broken down to "Quotemargin" columns. VA>> To use cp437 you need to change Putty config for sure. And I'd VA>> recommend you to use one byte locale for golded if you don't need VA>> many different encodings. That will solve many issues for you VA>> right away. NB> Honestly, I have no interest in using CP437 in a terminal. I don't NB> mind some irregularities, but this time there were just more than NB> usual. NB> I don't like things easy. For some reason I enjoy making things NB> extremely difficult for myself. Sure. That's your choice. :) I just want to tell that GoldEd was designed to work with one byte encodings and UTF-8 may work incorrectly. VA>> Some people do experience issues like you. And would be really VA>> great to find and fix root cause. NB> I agree! Then again, if/when you get iconv working properly I think NB> many of these issues will probably disappear since iconv > old crusty NB> translation tables. I'm working on some refactoring now in charset conversions now. When that is done, then iconv integration will be very simple. VA>> Could you also try to remove file goldxlat.gel? Golded will VA>> generate it on start. NB> I did, and it didn't change anything. I'll use 'git bisect' and see if NB> I can figure out if a recent commit changes it back to the way it was. Got it. What is weird, last commit fixed issue for one sysop and broken it for you. Could you try to build from commit 372220588c6f17cd3f709dcb721a9144169d988c ? It was before all my changes. If it will have same behavior, then it's something wrong with setup on your side and we'll try to figure that out. Best regards, Vitaliy Aksyonov. .... В гаремах нет плохих танцоров! --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20231030 * Origin: Aurora, Colorado (1:104/117) .