Subj : Latest sources.. To : Vitaliy Aksyonov From : Nicholas Boel Date : Tue Feb 20 2024 06:20 pm On Tue, 20 Feb 2024 13:04:00 -0700, Vitaliy Aksyonov -> Nicholas Boel wrote: VA> Code 20 is a space. So wrapping caused by that. I doubt it. VA> Also check if you have DispMargin parameter in your config. If you do - VA> comment it out or remove. Then GoldEd will use all window width. Most likely whatever the default settings is, since I don't use it in my config.  NB>> I used checkout to get the specific commit you asked me to grab  NB>> (372220588c6f17cd3f709dcb721a9144169d988c), and it is indeed exactly  NB>> how the latest version is. So you were right. VA> You said that before you started to experiment - all worked fine. Have you VA> used same compiler? Now I suspect that issue caused by something in your VA> setup. Because it's quite opposite from others have. I said before that it has looked fine for quite some time. I didn't go back to the version you asked me too until I got the answer to use 'checkout' instead of 'bisect'. Now that I was able to go back that far, I was able to give you a better answer.  NB>> It did not. Whatever first change you made actually kind of helped me,  NB>> I suppose. Hopefully this helps narrow things down better and we can  NB>> figure out what's going on. VA> That's why would be interesting to use bisect from VA> 372220588c6f17cd3f709dcb721a9144169d988c to master and find specific commit VA> which made it bad in your specific case. I did this, sort of. Instead of bisect, I used checkout and tried every version after 372220588* until I got to the one that changed the display. 8e9f3518ac9b3b32676e7b7563e92cc44e7b5ba7 is the commit that changes things for the better in my case. It stayed that way until you reverted the commit in the latest version. My only thoughts is that I am using PuTTY to connect with utf-8 settings to a utf-8 linux terminal. I include golded-plus/cfgs/config/charsets.cfg so I basically translate to and from everything currently possible. Maybe Wilfred had issues with this commit because he's not actually using any xlat configuration? He had told me he's using some kind of half and half utf-8/cp437 terminal and not using any xlat* settings in his configuration. If he can view that stat screen I posted as well as view Michiel's tearline and origin line over in the UTF-8 echo during the same golded session and no configuration changes, I would be surprised. This is with 8e9f3518*: As you can see the only issue I seem to have with this version (and everything up till the 20240206 release) is a few line wraps on the stat screen that shouldn't be happening - and I don't have a very extensive golded.conf where I could see anything in there that would be causing that, except the translation tables themselves. Regards, Nick .... "Take my advice, I don't use it anyway." --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:115.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderb * Origin: _thePharcyde distribution system (Wisconsin) (1:154/10) .