Subj : Re: Need volonteers to test another patch To : Vitaliy Aksyonov From : Wilfred van Velzen Date : Tue Mar 26 2024 11:20 am Hi Vitaliy, On 2024-03-25 19:03:38, you wrote to me: WvV>> Ok that did the trick! Just setting LC_CTYPE=en_US.cp850 is enough. WvV>> So now I have the following line for starting golded: VA> Great! Glad to help. Yes, thank you very much! WvV>> # sudo -u fido LC_CTYPE=en_US.cp850 locale WvV>> LANG=POSIX WvV>> LC_CTYPE=en_US.cp850 WvV>> LC_NUMERIC="POSIX" WvV>> LC_TIME="POSIX" WvV>> LC_COLLATE="POSIX" WvV>> LC_MONETARY="POSIX" WvV>> LC_MESSAGES="POSIX" WvV>> LC_PAPER="POSIX" WvV>> LC_NAME="POSIX" WvV>> LC_ADDRESS="POSIX" WvV>> LC_TELEPHONE="POSIX" WvV>> LC_MEASUREMENT="POSIX" WvV>> LC_IDENTIFICATION="POSIX" WvV>> LC_ALL= WvV>> Seems enough to get the right output from golded!? VA> Other LCs are pretty much not used in GoldEd, shall be fine for your case. Pretty much? Or not at all? ;-) On to the next issues... ;-) I notice in my putty terminal that alignment of the columns in the area listing is off when there are unread messages in the areas: This might not be new, and already happening before I started changing/fixing my code page issues. I'll check later if this also happens in my local konsole terminal. Also the header with the number of messages on the message reader screen is sometimes missing a space between the first number and 'of', when I go directly to a message from the area messages listing. Could this be related to the above issue? Bye, Wilfred. --- FMail-lnx64 * Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464) .