Subj : SGC-230 To : David Pratt From : Richard Brumbaugh Date : Wed Jun 14 2000 04:45 am On (14 Jun 00) David Pratt wrote to Frank Jones... DP> Thanks, Frank, that's good enough for me. I shall send off for one DP> today. I understand that a good earth (ground) is essential, so DP> yesterday I prepared some copper rods to knock into the ground near DP> the feed to my end fed wire. It's time I got some r.f. out of my QTH DP> Hi! The one best thing that you can do to tame an end fed wire is to run a quarter wave wire from the gnd of your antenna matcher for each band that you use. It has to be insulated from ground but can be run around the house, inside or out, etc. Really works. Best regards, (73) Dick, W5MFD since 1946 --- PPoint 3.01 * Origin: A School-Free Gun Zone * Tulsa OK * USA (1:170/302.17) .