Subj : Kits To : PETER COGGON From : Thom LaCosta Date : Sat Mar 24 2007 05:33 pm PETER COGGON wrote in a message to JASON VIERIK: PC> The downside, is that with all the bells and whistles, and PC> whatever the kits are dieing, and my fellow hammies are buying PC> 14000 dollar radios...which just blew me away when I saw them. PC> The downside with this is built-inside self destuct after so many PC> years..and of course by then there is better radios. Also more PC> chances of them breaking down when they shouldn't...and then PC> ...well the repair bills are outta this world. I can no longer build kits....but Elecraft kits are really great....I have a K2 transceiver that was built from a kit... They ain't cheap...but they are not only kits, but high-end, high-performance ones cya, thom --- GEcho 1.20/Pro * Origin: Home of The Other Robot (1:261/1352) .