Subj : Kits To : PETER COGGON From : Richard Webb Date : Sun May 06 2007 04:54 am PETER COGGON wrote in a message to BOB ACKLEY: -=> Quoting Bob Ackley to Peter Coggon <=- PC> I liked them too ... I did like the SB401 and SB301 ... and I PC> hope one of these days, to get my friend to let me have them both up PC> here to get'em on the air again. Last time I had them to check PC> over my part of the building process, they were in 100% condition. PC> Since that time, they've been in their packing boxes and untouched PC> until he heard me on 40meters one day and surprised me. I had the 303 with the 401. I liked the 303. dIdn't quite compete with my old Hamarlund receiver, but few do. Also had a lot of fun with a hw-100 and hw-12 transceivers back in the day. Until my house fire after Katrina I was using an old heathkit phone patch too, interfacing it with an Icom 740. 73 de nf5b Regards, Richard --- timEd 1.10.y2k+ * Origin: Radio REscue on fidonet (1:116/901) .