Subj : Kits To : RICHARD WEBB From : PETER COGGON Date : Thu May 10 2007 02:03 pm Hello Again Richard... -=> Quoting Richard Webb to Peter Coggon <=- RW> PETER COGGON wrote in a message to RICHARD WEBB: RW> In fact, about that time I got rid of an old HEath hr-10 which kept RW> coming back to me over the years. I gave that radio to a friend and a RW> few years later when I had gotten completely out of anything radio a RW> friend of mine gave it to me to listen to refresh myself on the code. Never had an HR10 ... maybe a good thing. Aaaah Rat-Shack ... I had the DX160 receiver... worked great at home and on batterys. I sold it to a friend years ago, but wish I had kept it as a loaner. I even got the use of their later DX60 with the plug in crystals you had to buy. What a ripoff that was just getting them all. Not impressed. PC> Aaah the Hammarlunds ...saw and tried a dew of them, and found PC> them to be in some cases better then the new stuff. The HW-12 was PC> the main stay of many rigs for the white caners I helped out. RW> I resemble that last. That's where I first saw one was at the school RW> for the blind in IOwa. THey had a COllins m-2 as well, thanks to their RW> proximity to the COllins plant in Cedar rapids Iowa. Puzzled??? " I resemble that last.." What white Caner... they were donated to CNIB for them to use, and they got hams to sponsor blind ops on the air. I still have a retired gent here I go over to see when the bells ring for help. Hammarlunds 500A and something of a another 135 model for Hams I really liked. They go quick up here at the fleamarkets. Aaah Collins...well that used to be the upper limits. Their components also found their ways to other manufacturers so customers could say my rig has a Collins, this or that. RW> The two were related. My xyl and I weren't allowed to return home RW> when we left the hospital after Katrina, we operated radios all week RW> keeping the hospital in food water and diesel fuel as well as helped RW> arrange a couple patient evacuations. the air force flew us to SAn RW> Antonio and the authorities wouldn't let us back in until we had RW> equipment and paperwork together as emergency communicators. SInce I RW> didn't have any working vhf/uhf gear except an old motorolla uhf RW> handheld we were awaiting two new rigs for those freqs at the local ham RW> radio dealers. they were supposed to come in that next MOnday and we'd RW> have the paperwork faxed to us then at the motel. wELl while waiting RW> we were contacted and told that when they turned on the power grid to RW> our neighborhood our damaged house went up in flames, but the old RW> Rottweiler chained to the front porch survived. the good folks at RW> K-comm in SAn ANtone were trying to get KEnwood moving as quickly as RW> possible to get those two dual-band portables to us quickly so we could RW> get home, but other factors conspired against us. RW> I got the Icom back, it had been taken into the hospital as a backup RW> as the 746 pro they had there had just gone to the shop for warranty RW> repair and just returned a few days before the storm. Along with it I RW> kept my Heil mic and boom stand. These days primary rig is a KEnwood RW> ts-440 and the companion phone patch, mc-50 desk mic and a beefy AStron RW> supply I bought from the estate of a local ham. IN fact, the AStron RW> powers everything that needs 13.8 vdc around here when not on battery RW> power. RW> 73 de nf5b Wow Richard, you and your wife really had a bummer of a time. Glad to hear your dog survived. There was a show on the TV about the pet rescues,and it was great to see pets and familys reunited. Too bad about the house. Inside all the memorys of family, and records etc ... that would have me in shock. Thats what I felt after our fire here, but then it was a quick fireball event and the fire was quickly put out, no loss of life, all pets saved, walls standing and some stuff lost. BUT you lost all... Thank you for sharing all this. I hope and wish you and your wife a lot of luck, for the future, and it was really great to read how despite your losses, you and your wife helped others, and were willing to get back in there and keep volunteering. 73 Peter VE3WBZ .... Try Pete VE3WBZ @ 3.755LSB most mornings on the ONTARS NET ___ Blue Wave/DOS v2.30 [NR] --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5 * Origin: Doc's Place BBS Fido Since 1991 (1:123/140) .