Subj : Kits To : PETER COGGON From : Richard Webb Date : Fri May 11 2007 06:00 pm PETER COGGON wrote in a message to RICHARD WEBB: PC> Never had an HR10 ... maybe a good thing. Yah, it was their entry level receiver of its day. PC> Aaaah Rat-Shack ... I had the DX160 receiver... worked great at PC> home and on batterys. I sold it to a friend years ago, but wish I PC> had kept it as a loaner. I had one of those too. I used it as a loaner for new prospective hams for years, finally gave it to a friend of mine who did a lot of my antenna climbing for me. We lived in townhouses in NEw ORleans then, and the ladder we had didn't quite reach all the way to the roof. THerefore I didn't climb up there. the 160 wasn't a bad receiver, still no agc and not as stable as I'd like, but quite workable. Did a lot of shortwave listening on that receiver over the years. RW> I resemble that last. That's where I first saw one was at the school RW> for the blind in IOwa. THey had a COllins m-2 as well, thanks to their RW> proximity to the COllins plant in Cedar rapids Iowa. PC> Puzzled??? " I resemble that last.." What white Caner... they PC> were donated to CNIB for them to use, and they got hams to sponsor PC> blind ops on the air. I still have a retired gent here I go over PC> to see when the bells ring for help. YEp, Im a blind man, white cane and all . A friend of mine had the hw-12 at the school for a little while. PC> Wow Richard, you and your wife really had a bummer of a time. PC> Glad to hear your dog survived. There was a show on the TV about PC> the pet rescues,and it was great to see pets and familys reunited. PC> Too bad about the house. Inside all the memorys of family, and PC> records etc ... that would have me in shock. Thats what I felt PC> after our fire here, but then it was a quick fireball event and the PC> fire was quickly put out, no loss of life, all pets saved, walls PC> standing and some stuff lost. BUT you lost all... Yah, I"m really paranoid about data these days, since this old dos box doesn't have a cdrom drive or anything like that I email a zip file to a friend of mine in IOwa of such things as my station logs and third party traffic files about every three months I"m big on off site storage these days. I lost research notes for a book I was writing as well as all the professional audio equipment. PC> despite your losses, you and your wife helped others, and were PC> willing to get back in there and keep volunteering. That's part of why we get these frequencies to have fun with. AT least here in the U.S. right in part 97, in 97.1 the first clause says that amateur radio is to provide "a trained pool of operators ... " 73 de nf5b Richard .... So she said it was her or ham radio, over. --- timEd 1.10.y2k+ * Origin: Radio REscue on fidonet (1:116/901) .