Subj : Kits To : PETER COGGON From : Richard Webb Date : Mon May 14 2007 03:17 pm Hi PEter, PETER COGGON wrote in a message to RICHARD WEBB: PC> I put my foot in my mouth. Sorry about that. I used to live in PC> Toronto, just south of the CNIB and I helped with a few antenna PC> partys over at homes of a white cane operator. He was a real PC> friend and I still hear him on out in Alberta sometimes. NO prob there. I seem to recall hearing about a system cnib had where members could dial the telephone and operate the hf station as well as control it via phone line and touch tones. PC> Love your tagline Richard ....hope sometime in the wee hours maybe PC> to hear you on 80meters? I am on 3755 LSb most mornings, as well PC> packet. Great meeting you! DUring the fall and winter months I hang out on the geratol net 3668 khz. I get up early enough I'll have to look on 3753 for you. IF you get on 20 meters I'm a regular net control for the nets that meet there. Even when I'm not ncs I'm often monitoring, so give a call on 14.3 and we'll move off and chew the rag. 73 de nf5b Regards, Richard .... Any IC protected by a fast acting fuse will protect the fuse by blowing first --- timEd 1.10.y2k+ * Origin: Radio REscue on fidonet (1:116/901) .