Subj : NEW HAM Files! To : All HAMs From : HAM FDN HQ Date : Fri Feb 29 2008 02:02 pm Today, Friday 29-02-08, Waldo's Place USA (1:3634/12) received the following files. Area : HAMLOG Comment : HAM: Amateur Radio & Shortwave Logging Prog ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- GERTEXT.ZIP 28,636 gertext.txt Geratol net master index of serialized geratol and directors' award holders as a reference for those who wish to roll their own logging software for this activity. SEe readme.txt for further information. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28,636 bytes in 1 file(s) Total of 28,636 in 1 file(s) File requests are welcome 24 hrs per day. FREQ FILES for an allfiles listing. * Origin: (1:3634/12) .