Subj : solar weather report & flux update To : All From : Damon A. Getsman Date : Fri Aug 01 2014 06:24 pm Ack! Where's my fix? Seriously, I would so much rather find it here than go to a website. Also, based on the solar flux reports, I'm wondering if anybody would like to help me gather a bit of data regarding a theory that I've got... It's a bit tinfoily, but it'd only take a few minutes of time. If nothing else, you'll have something new to scoff at me about. :D -=- "It is no measure of good health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." -- Jiddu Krishnamurti --- SBBSecho 2.26-OpenBSD * Origin: telnet to (1:282/1057) (1:282/1057) .