Subj : Echolist reply To : All From : Daryl Stout Date : Tue Aug 08 2000 10:44 am This message was from ECHOLIST to DARYL STOUT originally in conference FIDO Netmail on THUNDER (The Thunderbolt BBS) and was forwarded to you by DARYL STOUT ---------------------------------------- FTN-> 1:1/21.0 Message received ... Echo updated ... HAM_TECH Amateur(HAM) Radio TECHnical Conference This is a conference for the exchange of Technical Amateur Radio Information. All topics relating to the technical aspects of Ham radio are on topic. Status: Active Origin: 1:154/170 Group: Distribution: Z1, Z2 Backbone Gateways: MAy be gated with moderator permiss Language: English # Nodes: N/A Volume: 100/mo Rules: HAMTECH.RUL Flags: [Has Rules] Notes: Moderators: , Ivy Iverson 1:154/170 Last changed: 1-Aug-2000 by Daryl Stout, 1:3821/33 ___ Echobase 3.33 --- GTMail 1.26 * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS, Little Rock, Arkansas (1:3821/33.0) .