Subj : Elecraft K2 To : David Pratt From : Thom LaCosta Date : Wed Aug 16 2000 03:00 pm David Pratt wrote in a message to All: DP> I am thinking of building the Elecraft K2 QRP transceiver kit. DP> Has anyone on here built it? If so, what do you think of it. I didn't build me(can't see that well)....but I can tell you that when you read the elecraft mailing list, most folks that build it really enjoy the build. Elecraft is a 10Plus when it comes to support, and the rig is fantastic.... I'm having a ball...endfed wire...5 watts, lots of cw fun. 73 Thom LaCosta --- * Origin: HQ AmberNet & Netland (1:1/21) .