Subj : Antennae To : Daryl Stout From : Andy Ball Date : Sat Aug 19 2000 06:28 am Hello Daryl! DS> I doubt Ivy's BBS will be back... Understood. DS> has been difficult doing my 2 meter > traffic nets with no teeth. Maybe I'm just self > conscious...but I've really had no complaints in > people not being able to understand me. Sounds good then (so to speak ;o) Mine were some back teeth that I was glad to be rid of, I don't think it's effected my speech at all. I am a bit self conscious sometimes about people not being able to understand me because of my peculiar accent though. By the way, I know what 2m is, but what's a "traffic net" ? DS> I saw an HF antenna advertised in the Amateur > Electronic Supply catalog for around $90...that > covered all HF bands, except 160, 80, and 75 meters... > plus up through 2 meters. It had a max power of 300 > watts, and operated on a table, window, or balcony. Although I couldn't afford one right now, that doesn't sound an unreasonable price for a multi-band HF antenna. I might be able to get away with something a bit more simple though, since I probably wouldn't be transmitting more than about 5W once I got my license and I would settle for a single band antenna. For the moment, even a receive-only 'aerial' would do. Thanks for the tip though, it's nice to know that's out there. 73, - Andy. * SLMR 2.1a * --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-1 # Origin: FamilyNet - telnet:// - (972)-496-0650 (8:8/2) * Origin: FamilyNet Echogate [972] 496-0650 (1:124/5009) .