Subj : St. Basil 02 To : All From : Dave Drum Date : Thu Mar 21 2019 06:01 am MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Basil Pesto Categories: Sauces, Herbs, Cheese, Nuts, Citrus Yield: 16 Servings 2 tb Pine nuts; toasted 2 lg Garlic cloves 2 3/4 c Fresh basil leaves 2 tb Grated fresh Parmesan cheese 2 ts Lemon juice 3 tb Extra-virgin olive oil Drop pine nuts and garlic through food chute with food processor on, and process until minced. Add basil, cheese, and lemon juice; process until finely minced. With processor on, slowly pour oil through food chute; process until well-blended. Spoon into a zip-top heavy-duty plastic bag; store in refrigerator. Yield: 1 cup (serving size: 1 tablespoon). Recipe By: Cooking Light, Sept. 1995 Uncle Dirty Dave's Kitchen MMMMM .... If all is not lost, then where is it? --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.49 * Origin: SouthEast Star Mail HUB - SESTAR (1:3634/12) .