Subj : Antennae To : Daryl Stout From : Andy Ball Date : Mon Aug 14 2000 10:05 am Hello Darryl! DS> Ivy Iverson, is temporarily away from this echo, for > personal committments outside FIDOnet... It's good to know Ivy's still around, I hope she'll be able to come back before too long. I tried calling her BBS when I arrived back in the U.S. but it was apparently off- line. DS> I've been recovering from major dental surgery last > week...and have been trying to slowly work my way back > on the air. I sympathise, I recently had some big old teeth taken out (under a general anesthetic ;o) but recovered quickly. Here's wishing you a thorough and swift recovery! DS> Since I'm just a Technician, and where I am has a > tendency to get a lot of lightning hits when > thunderstorms are around, I just have a magmount > antenna here in the shack...if you can get by with a > smaller, less bulky antenna...that's a better route > to go with. I'm hoping to apply for my Technician license before too long, and I'm looking at antennae for reception in the mean time. I live in Illinois, USA and we seem to get many, many thunderstorms here - especially of late. I would prefer an outdoor antenna, but I share your concern about lightning. I suppose an indoor antenna is less conspicuous too which might be an advantage for some people. If a smaller antenna performs adequately for me then it would seem vain to put up a huge one (obviously, some people have interests that require larger antennae). On the other hand, once I do get around to transmitting I would rather use a more efficient antenna (which might be larger) than simply increase my output power. I'm interested in an HF antenna (possibly 40m or 80m), but it needs to be physically small and hopefully inexpensive. Does anyone have any suggestions or observations? 73, - Andy. * SLMR 2.1a * --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-1 # Origin: FamilyNet - telnet:// - (972)-496-0650 (8:8/2) * Origin: FamilyNet Echogate [972] 496-0650 (1:124/5009) .