Subj : Antennae To : Andy Ball From : Daryl Stout Date : Tue Aug 22 2000 10:58 am AB>By the way, I know what 2m is, but what's a "traffic net" ? On 2 meters, my local Ham Radio club has a weekly traffic and information net, concerning upcoming area Ham Radio events, VE Test Sessions, the Amateur Radio Newsline, and for stations to pass traffic, and to list Ham Radio gear they want to buy, sell, or trade. I've been doing nets since 1993 (been licensed since 1991). I'm the Net Control Operator for the club. I'm also the Talk-In Chairman for the Little Rock, Arkansas Hamfest, held in late April each year. I have 3 blind hams help me (I'm legally blind without my glasses, but it's corrected to 20/20 with them) the running joke is that "all the blind folks are over at Talk-in". In fact, one year, I got LOST trying to find my way out of the parking lot after the first night of the, one of my blind helpers keys the repeater and announces "a talk-out net for the talk-in station who can't find his way out of the parking lot". I doubt I'll EVER live that one down. :) AB> Although I couldn't afford one right now, that doesn't AB>sound an unreasonable price for a multi-band HF antenna. I might be able to AB>get away with something a bit more simple though, since I probably wouldn't AB>transmitting more than about 5W once I got my license and I would settle for AB>single band antenna. For the moment, even a receive-only AB>'aerial' would do. Thanks for the tip though, it's nice AB>to know that's out there. I saw another ad for an HF antenna, which covered all the HF bands except for 80 and 160 meters...but it was 4 feet long, as I recall. I got a deal from ARRL today wanting me to upgrade to General. I do great with the FCC, if I could just get the rest of the theory, and get to where I wouldn't lock up when I try to copy CW. 73...glad to help. Daryl, N5VLZ * OLX 1.53 * I am a deeply superficial person. -Andy Warhol --- * PDQWK 2.52 #5 --- GTMail 1.26 * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS, Little Rock, Arkansas (1:3821/33.0) .